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It’s been said many times that nothing is certain except death and taxes. For everything else, we simply never know what life will bring or when. One thing we can be sure of, though, is that many significant events will occur during our lives, and it’s not only possible to be prepared for the unexpected; it’s essential. Through this guide, you’ll gain an understanding of what you need to know and do to prepare your family for any eventuality. This complimentary guide will help you consider the following questions:
- Do you have an emergency contact list?
- Do you have a list of healthcare providers, medications, and allergies for each member of the family?
- Do you have access to the household computers, passwords & online accounts?
- Are you familiar with household finances?
- Are you familiar with household systems?
- Have you created a will or trust?
- Do you have powers of attorney for financial & healthcare?
- Do you have a living will/advanced directive?
- Have you created an appointment of guardian for children under 18 or disabled children?
- Do you have life insurance policies?
For many people, simply getting started with estate planning is the hardest part of the whole process. We don’t want to think too much about serious matters regarding life and death, even when we know how crucial such a conversation can be.
This simple checklist can help you get the ball rolling. After reading through this easy guide, you’ll understand the key components of a basic estate plan, and you’ll have a firm grasp on what you need to know to be ready for any family emergency, healthcare need, or financial crisis. Now more than ever, it’s important to make sure your affairs are in order and that every member of the family is on-board and knowledgeable about vital household information.
This checklist was created to benefit every family, no matter where you are in life right now. Take the time now to prepare for the unexpected, so you can rest assured in peace and comfort knowing that whenever any challenge appears, you’ll be ready to face it head-on.
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