Recent Blog Posts

Getting Engaged or Married? Estate Planning for New Couples

Getting engaged or married is a time of great excitement and joy, but it is also a time when couples need to start thinking about their future together. One of the most important things that they should consider is estate planning for new couples. Estate planning involves making arrangements for the distribution of assets in… Continued

The Dangers of Do-It-Yourself or DIY Wills

With everything available at the click of a button, many people think that downloading a Do-It Yourself or DIY will is an effective way to get a will in place.  The biggest mistake many consumers make is to utilize services like LegalZoom or other platforms and think they “have everything covered.”  But, the state you… Continued

The Three Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Many people make the biggest estate planning mistake by not, first, sitting down to make a will or estate plan. Others rely on templates or on-line wills to guide these important decisions that affect you and your family.  As Forbes Magazine notes, even celebrities such as Prince, Whitney Houston and Steve McNair did not update… Continued

November 2023 Newsletter: Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

It’s National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month This issue of our newsletter is dedicated to all the people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementia related diseases. The AFA is challenging everyone to go Teal in November to show your support. This illness affects millions of people and the entire family can be impacted by physical, mental, healthcare, and legal challenges. We… Continued

Starting the Estate Planning Conversation During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of togetherness and reflection, making it an ideal opportunity to broach important topics like estate planning, wills, and creating a lasting legacy. These discussions not only ensure that your family’s financial future is secure but also foster understanding, strengthen bonds, and preserve cherished memories. In this article, we will… Continued

Elder Financial Abuse and Fraud

Elder abuse comes in many shapes and forms, including physical and emotional abuse. The most common source of abuse comes from the older person’s own family members. This is also true of financial abuse. Family members, friends, hired help, and others are all typical perpetrators of elder financial abuse, which consists of fraud and theft.… Continued

Senior Safe Act Helps Prevent Elder Abuse

Financial elder abuse has been a growing problem in the last decade. A recent study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine found that one in 18 “cognitively intact” elderly people were the victims of financial abuse in the last year alone. Elderly people with a cognitive impairment are even more likely to be… Continued

Navigating Legal Planning When Faced with Alzheimer’s or Dementia

When a family member is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia, it can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience. Amid the emotional and practical concerns, it’s crucial to address the legal aspects of care and support. Legal planning and elder law play a vital role in ensuring the well-being of your loved one and the… Continued

Why Parents of College Students Need Powers of Attorney

If you are preparing to send your child off to college, you may have a flurry of preparations. From dorm room essentials to class schedules, the checklist can seem endless. However, there’s one crucial item that parents often overlook amidst the excitement and flurry: will you be able to make important decisions for your college… Continued

Signs That Your Parent May Need a Guardianship

As your parents get older, you may realize that they are more forgetful.  This can manifest itself in subtle ways at first, such as forgetting to close the garage door, repeating stories, or not knowing what day of the week it is.  These memory lapses may intensify over the years, and what begins as “senior… Continued